
We at Finca el Cabezo like our guests to share our love of nature and the country.    The on-farm activities we offer are sustainably managed and suitable for small groups.    Every season has its advantages, but any time of year is a good time for an up-close experience of authentic rural life.

  • Walk around the farm and meet the animals
  • Guided visit to the cows. We provide our animals with a grass-based diet to increase the fertility of the soil.
  • Pick the oranges for your breakfast juice. Straight from the garden to the table!
  • Taste our extra virgin olive oil, made from organic olives.   Take part in the harvest and see how the oil is produced at a nearby almazara (olive oil mill).
  • Bird-watching. Sierra de Gata’s fabulous biodiversity and wealth of bird species are protected by the European RED NATURA 2000 scheme.
  • Mushroom hunting. On a walk in the countryside with an experienced guide, learn to identify and cook wild mushrooms such as saffron milk cap, penny bun, chanterelle and Caesar’s mushroom.
  • Hiking, horse-riding, river pools for swimming, and much more.

Sierra de gata: A magic place

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